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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Spring Festival 2015 JiuZhaiGou (moved from old blog)

 Sun and snow in JiuZhaiGou


Chocolate box advert?
 After the stupidly long bus journey, the whole room snuggled down for a pathetically early night, the plan being to get up early and get to the park before it opened in an effort to avoid the crowds. as it turned out we needn't have bothered as it had snowed over night and this seemed to keep the crowds away leaving the park almost deserted. 
The park is spread over two valleys that join to make a Y shape, we had been given maps from the hostel but they were hugely misleading. what looked fairly close on the map was a minimum of a 4km walk, so the longer looking gaps were generally more than 30km.  On the first morning my plan was to get the bus as far as i could and then walk back to the start. After a 35 minute bus journey I figured this wasn't completely doable and instead walked only half. The was a hop on hop off bus service that ran about the park that proved to be amazing. Most of the Chinese tourists were getting off, taking pictures then getting on again and blasting to the next park of the park. In between the scenic spots of interest (their wording not mine) there were almost no people and some incredible little unknown parts. The paths wound round the other side of lakes and rivers and, on my first day at least, were covered in snow. I had Walking in a Winter Wonderland going round and round in my head for days after my trip.

 The park is incredible! We would walk a little, be blown away by the scenery, say something along the lines of "how can this get any better" and then, as if to show us up, it would get more impressive. 
The water is completely clear and a fantastic bright blue or green colour, which with the snow and the mountains made for some beautiful scenery. Walking thought the park was a good idea as I kept finding waterfalls and streams that weren't marked on the map so they were completely deserted and quiet. 
It is one of the most amazing places I have been and am so glad I finally made it. 

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Spring Festival 2015 JiuZhaiGou (moved from old blog)

 The Journey to JiuZhaiGou

After finishing work nearly a month ago I have been ready to leave Kunming for a  few days. 

Annoyingly I couldn't leave the city while my new VISA was being processed so as soon as I got my passport back I was booking flights to somewhere, anywhere. So I consulted my "to go to list" and picked a place that was do-able in a  week. 

I picked JiuZhaiGou in Northern SiSchuan, one of China's original UNESCO heritage sites and one of the top 10 places to visit. I flew to ChengDu, a nice 1 hour 10 minute flight, and then booked a bus to JiuZhaiGou, a not so nice 10 hour bus journey. 

I had a few days to kill in ChengDu before my whole day on a bus, so I stocked up on audio books and bus food and headed out. 
We were crammed onto a medium sized bus and started off on an epic journey into the mountains. 

The road has recently been resurfaced so it wasn't bumpy but swingy would be an understatement. The road snaked round the bottom of gorges, along the side of the river and through 10km long tunnels and all the time I was getting more and more impressed by the scenery. I managed to take over 40 photographs just on the journey. 

Once in JiuZhaiGou town, if a string of hotels and restaurants can be called a town, I set off to find the hostel from I walked into a beautiful hotel lobby and was fairly certain I had messed up and booked the wrong place. However, the people at reception had me details and I was pointed to the fifth floor. 

The carpet stopped on the fourth floor and the fifth turned out to be the roof and the room I was pointed to, a shed/garage looking thing on the roof. The room had concrete floors and no heating so the electric blankets were just the best thing ever! The bathrooms were across the roof and we had to clamber over pipes and cables to get to some incredible showers, then again after ten hours on a hot and crowded bus any kind of shower would have been amazing. There were six of us in the room and we were all shattered having all just done the epic journey so we were tucked up in bed with a beer by about nine in the evening. Tomorrow to the park!