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Thursday 28 February 2019

Sri Lanka: Galle, the first of many beaches Spring Festival 2019

Galle is only an hour and a half from Colombo so I arrived pretty early. I was staying about 8km out of town in a small place right on the beach. The town is quite large and centered around a huge Dutch colonial fort and walled town. The old town looked a lot like other old towns I've been to, HoiAn in Vietnam in particular. It was still beautiful and a decent few hours of walking about but as is always the case, it was swarming in huge tour groups. I managed to get away from them by heading to the less picturesque side of the town.

When not investigating the colonial and historic part of town I was perfectly content sitting in the small decked area of my hostel. The guys who were running the place were all always stoned or sleeping so we were pretty much just left to out own devices. If you wanted a beer, help yourself and add it to your bill. Hungry, go and see what you can find in the kitchen. Anything else and you were out of luck. When the kitchen was open they served absolutely amazing seafood. I wish I could have stayed longer! In my two days in the beach hostel I think I saw three people on the beach, so we basically had the place to ourselves. Jumping in the water every time I got to hot followed by another beer and chilling with my book. Bliss! Especially as this was still in the first few days of my holiday.

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