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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Tom's first visit. Summer 2014 (moved from old blog)

 The day the brother arrived

Me and my biggest kids

After 4 years living in China; Tom finally made it out to visit. I think we were all beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen.

I could only get a week off work so he spent a week wandering about Kunming whilst I was working. It was a pain but it meant I managed to get a week in Beijing. 

Me and Tom with the medium sized kids
Sunday has my favourite classes so Tom came into school with me and we messed about with the kids. Lessons weren't exactly the best I have ever taught but they were up with the most fun. 
My favourite part being pairing Tom up in a paired relay race with a boy half his size. they had to clamp a ball between their noses and race down the corridor. Entertaining for me at least, being the judge. 
Sunday night we went out to a  restaurant near my house and had an early night. Hideously early plane to catch in the morning so we attempted to get organised and hit the sack.
Next stop: BEIJING!

Me and Tom with the smallest kids doing kung fu.

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