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Thursday 14 March 2024

Oslob, Philippines Spring Festival 2024

Spring Festival has arrived and finally international travel is not only possible but quite reasonable again. So time to get back on the bucket list and start enjoying a world outside China again. 

To the Philippines!!!

This trip became a long and shattering one with bouncing between multiple countries and people. In just over three weeks I did 3 countries, 2 reunions, 8 flights and a whole lot of chatting and eating. 

The first part I was on my own for a week. In the second week I met Dan (Taiwan, friend from Kunming) but given our long trips to get to the Philippines, he wasn't so keen on traveling about during the trip. I knew that part of my trip was going to be more of a chilled city break so I decided to hit the islands and beaches on my own. Even though I live by the sea nowadays, I still love going to the coast. 

My first stop was Oslob which is about a 3-4 hour drive from Cebu. I landed late night and so just got a driver to my hotel. I wasn't aware of it at the time but he managed that drive in just under 2 hours. Rollercoaster and scary would be an understatement. I crashed out and woke up to a hell of a view! 

The first day I'm in a place I like to just pick a direction and walk. I walked all along the coast into the 'town' which was more of a few houses, a 711 and a market. Most people come here on a day trip from Cebu city for the sharks, so someone actually staying in the area is a bit unusual. 

I sampled my first Filipino food, Sesig (picture) and calamari. The lady handed me a menu but it didn't really clarify anything so I asked three school aged kids wat they thought I should try and I trusted them. Didn't disappoint. 

The water here is just so blue, it's like nothing I have ever seen before and just stunning. 

Tomorrow morning is an early one for the sharks, which is basically my whole reasons for being here. 

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